
森本紗月 Satsuki Morimoto


大理石の表面は磨くとしっとりして、光が当たるとキラキラと輝きます。粒子が細かく柔らかい表現ができるので温かみがあります。また、白大理石は光によってできる陰影がより美しい表情を作り出します。  大理石ならではの表情がいきるように、そして造形がつくる空間や光と影を意識して制作しています。

I was born in a suburb of Mie ,Japan in 1985.While in high school,I took a course in Practical Design Sculpture.This was my first experience with carving marble.Upon completing high school,I continued my art study of sculpting at Nagoya University of Arts(NUA).There I learned clay figure and embodiment sculpture and continued to produce marble works.Between 2010 and 2014,I further studied marble sculpture at Pietro Tacca in Carrara,Italy.While extending my knowledge of sculpture, I continued to produce marble works at Ponte di Ferro.I am currently back In Japan.I continue to work and study marble sculpture.